The Most In-Demand PECB ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Implementer Pass Guaranteed Quiz [Q20-Q38]

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The Most In-Demand PECB ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Implementer Pass Guaranteed Quiz

New Version ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Implementer Certificate & Helpful Exam Dumps is Online

PECB ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Implementer certification exam is designed to evaluate an individual’s understanding and knowledge of implementing, maintaining, and managing an Information Security Management System (ISMS) based on the ISO/IEC 27001 standard. PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Implementer Exam certification exam is offered by the Professional Evaluation and Certification Board (PECB), an internationally recognized certification body that provides training and certification services in various fields.

PECB ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Implementer exam is designed to test the knowledge and skills of individuals in the implementation of an ISMS based on the ISO/IEC 27001 standard. ISO-IEC-27001-Lead-Implementer exam covers various topics such as the planning, implementation, monitoring, and review of an ISMS. It also covers the risk management process, security controls, and the legal and regulatory requirements that organizations need to comply with.


NO.20 ‘The ISMS covers all departments within Company XYZ that have access to customers’ data. The purpose of the ISMS is to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of customers’ data, and ensure compliance with the applicable regulatory requirements regarding information security.” What does this statement


NO.21 Scenario 4: TradeB. a commercial bank that has just entered the market, accepts deposits from its clients and offers basic financial services and loans for investments. TradeB has decided to implement an information security management system (ISMS) based on ISO/IEC 27001 Having no experience of a management
[^system implementation, TradeB’s top management contracted two experts to direct and manage the ISMS implementation project.
First, the project team analyzed the 93 controls of ISO/IEC 27001 Annex A and listed only the security controls deemed applicable to the company and their objectives Based on this analysis, they drafted the Statement of Applicability. Afterward, they conducted a risk assessment, during which they identified assets, such as hardware, software, and networks, as well as threats and vulnerabilities, assessed potential consequences and likelihood, and determined the level of risks based on three nonnumerical categories (low, medium, and high). They evaluated the risks based on the risk evaluation criteria and decided to treat only the high risk category They also decided to focus primarily on the unauthorized use of administrator rights and system interruptions due to several hardware failures by establishing a new version of the access control policy, implementing controls to manage and control user access, and implementing a control for ICT readiness for business continuity Lastly, they drafted a risk assessment report, in which they wrote that if after the implementation of these security controls the level of risk is below the acceptable level, the risks will be accepted Based on scenario 4, what type of assets were identified during risk assessment?


NO.22 What is the main purpose of Annex A 7.1 Physical security perimeters of ISO/IEC 27001?


NO.23 Which approach should organizations use to implement an ISMS based on ISO/IEC 27001?


NO.24 Scenario 2: Beauty is a cosmetics company that has recently switched to an e-commerce model, leaving the traditional retail. The top management has decided to build their own custom platform in-house and outsource the payment process to an external provider operating online payments systems that support online money transfers.
Due to this transformation of the business model, a number of security controls were implemented based on the identified threats and vulnerabilities associated to critical assets. To protect customers’ information.
Beauty’s employees had to sign a confidentiality agreement. In addition, the company reviewed all user access rights so that only authorized personnel can have access to sensitive files and drafted a new segregation of duties chart.
However, the transition was difficult for the IT team, who had to deal with a security incident not long after transitioning to the e commerce model. After investigating the incident, the team concluded that due to the out-of-date anti-malware software, an attacker gamed access to their files and exposed customers’ information, including their names and home addresses.
The IT team decided to stop using the old anti-malware software and install a new one which would automatically remove malicious code in case of similar incidents. The new software was installed in every workstation within the company. After installing the new software, the team updated it with the latest malware definitions and enabled the automatic update feature to keep it up to date at all times. Additionally, they established an authentication process that requires a user identification and password when accessing sensitive information.
In addition, Beauty conducted a number of information security awareness sessions for the IT team and other employees that have access to confidential information in order to raise awareness on the importance of system and network security.
According to scenario 2. Beauty has reviewed all user access rights. What type of control is this?


NO.25 Which option below should be addressed in an information security policy?


NO.26 Which of the situations below can negatively affect the internal audit process?


NO.27 Scenario 4: TradeB. a commercial bank that has just entered the market, accepts deposits from its clients and offers basic financial services and loans for investments. TradeB has decided to implement an information security management system (ISMS) based on ISO/IEC 27001 Having no experience of a management
[^system implementation, TradeB’s top management contracted two experts to direct and manage the ISMS implementation project.
First, the project team analyzed the 93 controls of ISO/IEC 27001 Annex A and listed only the security controls deemed applicable to the company and their objectives Based on this analysis, they drafted the Statement of Applicability. Afterward, they conducted a risk assessment, during which they identified assets, such as hardware, software, and networks, as well as threats and vulnerabilities, assessed potential consequences and likelihood, and determined the level of risks based on three nonnumerical categories (low, medium, and high). They evaluated the risks based on the risk evaluation criteria and decided to treat only the high risk category They also decided to focus primarily on the unauthorized use of administrator rights and system interruptions due to several hardware failures by establishing a new version of the access control policy, implementing controls to manage and control user access, and implementing a control for ICT readiness for business continuity Lastly, they drafted a risk assessment report, in which they wrote that if after the implementation of these security controls the level of risk is below the acceptable level, the risks will be accepted Based on scenario 4, the fact that TradeB defined the level of risk based on three nonnumerical categories indicates that;


NO.28 Which of the situations below can negatively affect the internal audit process?


NO.29 Which of the following statements regarding information security risk is NOT correct?


NO.30 Which of these control objectives are NOT in the domain “12.OPERATIONAL SAFETY”?


NO.31 An organization documented each security control that it Implemented by describing their functions in detail.
Is this compliant with ISO/IEC 27001?


NO.32 Scenario 6: Skyver offers worldwide shipping of electronic products, including gaming consoles, flat-screen TVs. computers, and printers. In order to ensure information security, the company has decided to implement an information security management system (ISMS) based on the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001.
Colin, the company’s best information security expert, decided to hold a training and awareness session for the personnel of the company regarding the information security challenges and other information security-related controls. The session included topics such as Skyver’s information security approaches and techniques for mitigating phishing and malware.
One of the participants in the session is Lisa, who works in the HR Department. Although Colin explains the existing Skyver’s information security policies and procedures in an honest and fair manner, she finds some of the issues being discussed too technical and does not fully understand the session. Therefore, in a lot of cases, she requests additional help from the trainer and her colleagues Based on the last paragraph of scenario 6, which principles of an effective communication strategy did Colin NOT follow?


NO.33 Based on scenario 6. Lisa found some of the issues being discussed in the training and awareness session too technical, thus not fully understanding the session. What does this indicate?


NO.34 Scenario 3: Socket Inc is a telecommunications company offering mainly wireless products and services. It uses MongoDB. a document model database that offers high availability, scalability, and flexibility.
Last month, Socket Inc. reported an information security incident. A group of hackers compromised its MongoDB database, because the database administrators did not change its default settings, leaving it without a password and publicly accessible.
Fortunately. Socket Inc. performed regular information backups in their MongoDB database, so no information was lost during the incident. In addition, a syslog server allowed Socket Inc. to centralize all logs in one server. The company found out that no persistent backdoor was placed and that the attack was not initiated from an employee inside the company by reviewing the event logs that record user faults and exceptions.
To prevent similar incidents in the future, Socket Inc. decided to use an access control system that grants access to authorized personnel only. The company also implemented a control in order to define and implement rules for the effective use of cryptography, including cryptographic key management, to protect the database from unauthorized access The implementation was based on all relevant agreements, legislation, and regulations, and the information classification scheme. To improve security and reduce the administrative efforts, network segregation using VPNs was proposed.
Lastly, Socket Inc. implemented a new system to maintain, collect, and analyze information related to information security threats, and integrate information security into project management.
Based on the scenario above, answer the following question:
Which security control does NOT prevent information security incidents from recurring?


NO.35 Scenario 3: Socket Inc is a telecommunications company offering mainly wireless products and services. It uses MongoDB. a document model database that offers high availability, scalability, and flexibility.
Last month, Socket Inc. reported an information security incident. A group of hackers compromised its MongoDB database, because the database administrators did not change its default settings, leaving it without a password and publicly accessible.
Fortunately. Socket Inc. performed regular information backups in their MongoDB database, so no information was lost during the incident. In addition, a syslog server allowed Socket Inc. to centralize all logs in one server. The company found out that no persistent backdoor was placed and that the attack was not initiated from an employee inside the company by reviewing the event logs that record user faults and exceptions.
To prevent similar incidents in the future, Socket Inc. decided to use an access control system that grants access to authorized personnel only. The company also implemented a control in order to define and implement rules for the effective use of cryptography, including cryptographic key management, to protect the database from unauthorized access The implementation was based on all relevant agreements, legislation, and regulations, and the information classification scheme. To improve security and reduce the administrative efforts, network segregation using VPNs was proposed.
Lastly, Socket Inc. implemented a new system to maintain, collect, and analyze information related to information security threats, and integrate information security into project management.
Based on scenario 3, what would help Socket Inc. address similar information security incidents in the future?


NO.36 Scenario 9: OpenTech provides IT and communications services. It helps data communication enterprises and network operators become multi-service providers During an internal audit, its internal auditor, Tim, has identified nonconformities related to the monitoring procedures He identified and evaluated several system Invulnerabilities.
Tim found out that user IDs for systems and services that process sensitive information have been reused and the access control policy has not been followed After analyzing the root causes of this nonconformity, the ISMS project manager developed a list of possible actions to resolve the nonconformity. Then, the ISMS project manager analyzed the list and selected the activities that would allow the elimination of the root cause and the prevention of a similar situation in the future. These activities were included in an action plan The action plan, approved by the top management, was written as follows:
A new version of the access control policy will be established and new restrictions will be created to ensure that network access is effectively managed and monitored by the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Department The approved action plan was implemented and all actions described in the plan were documented.
Based on scenario 9. did the ISMS project manager complete the corrective action process appropriately?


NO.37 Scenario 10: NetworkFuse develops, manufactures, and sells network hardware. The company has had an operational information security management system (ISMS) based on ISO/IEC 27001 requirements and a quality management system (QMS) based on ISO 9001 for approximately two years. Recently, it has applied for a j^ombined certification audit in order to obtain certification against ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO 9001.
After selecting the certification body, NetworkFuse prepared the employees for the audit The company decided to not conduct a self-evaluation before the audit since, according to the top management, it was not necessary. In addition, it ensured the availability of documented information, including internal audit reports and management reviews, technologies in place, and the general operations of the ISMS and the QMS.
However, the company requested from the certification body that the documentation could not be carried off-site However, the audit was not performed within the scheduled days because NetworkFuse rejected the audit team leader assigned and requested their replacement The company asserted that the same audit team leader issued a recommendation for certification to its main competitor, which, for the company’s top management, was a potential conflict of interest. The request was not accepted by the certification body NetworkFuse should_________________to ensure that employees are prepared for the audit. Refer to scenario


NO.38 An organization that has an ISMS in place conducts management reviews at planned intervals, but does not retain documented information on the results. Is this in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001?


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