Maximum Grades By Making ready With CIPP-E Dumps UPDATED 2023 [Q149-Q170]

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Maximum Grades By Making ready With CIPP-E Dumps UPDATED 2023

Prepare CIPP-E Exam Questions [2023] Recently Updated Questions

IAPP CIPP/E certification exam is an essential certification for privacy professionals who work in or with organizations that operate within the EU or handle EU citizens’ personal data. Certified Information Privacy Professional/Europe (CIPP/E) certification demonstrates an individual’s knowledge and understanding of European data protection laws and regulations, particularly the GDPR, and is an excellent way to advance one’s career in the privacy field.


NO.149 WP29’s “Guidelines on Personal data breach notification under Regulation 2016/679” provides examples of ways to communicate data breaches transparently. Which of the following was listed as a method that would NOT be effective for communicating a breach to data subjects?


NO.150 Under the GDPR, where personal data is not obtained directly from the data subject, a controller is exempt from directly providing information about processing to the data subject if?


NO.151 Which of the following would MOST likely trigger the extraterritorial effect of the GDPR, as specified by Article


NO.152 When may browser settings be relied upon for the lawful application of cookies?


NO.153 Which institution has the power to adopt findings that confirm the adequacy of the data protection level in a non-EU country?


NO.154 Which statement is correct when considering the right to privacy under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)?


NO.155 With the issue of consent, the GDPR allows member states some choice regarding what?


NO.156 Which sentence best describes proper compliance for an international organization using Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs) as a controller or processor?


NO.157 Under the GDPR, where personal data is not obtained directly from the data subject, a controller is exempt from directly providing information about processing to the data subject if?


NO.158 According to the E-Commerce Directive 2000/31/EC, where is the place of “establishment” for a company providing services via an Internet website confirmed by the GDPR?


NO.159 In the Planet 49 case, what was the man judgement of the Coon of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) regarding the issue of cookies?


NO.160 In relation to third countries and international organizations, which of the following shall, along with the supervisory authorities, take appropriate steps to develop international cooperation mechanisms for the enforcement of data protection legislation?


NO.161 A company is located in a country NOT considered by the European Union (EU) to have an adequate level of data protection. Which of the following is an obligation of the company if it imports personal data from another organization in the European Economic Area (EEA) under standard contractual clauses?


NO.162 Which of the following describes a mandatory requirement for a group of undertakings that wants to appoint a single data protection officer?


NO.163 An online company’s privacy practices vary due to the fact that it offers a wide variety of services. How could it best address the concern that explaining them all would make the policies incomprehensible?


NO.164 What is the most frequently used mechanism for legitimizing cross-border data transfer?


NO.165 Which of the following is the weakest lawful basis for processing employee personal data?


NO.166 Under Article 80(1) of the GDPR, individuals can elect to be represented by not-for-profit organizations in a privacy group litigation or class action. These organizations are commonly known as?


NO.167 Company X has entrusted the processing of their payroll data to Provider Y.
Provider Y stores this encrypted data in its server. The IT department of Provider Y finds out that someone managed to hack into the system and take a copy of the data from its server. In this scenario, whom does Provider Y have the obligation to notify?


NO.168 Pursuant to Article 4(5) of the GDPR, data is considered “pseudonymized” if?


NO.169 When assessing the level of risk created by a data breach, which of the following would NOT have to be taken into consideration?


Please use the following to answer the next question:
Sandy recently joined Market4U, an advertising technology company founded in 2016, as their VP of Privacy and Data Governance. Through her first initiative in conducting a data inventory, Sandy learned that Market4U maintains a list of 19 million global contacts that were collected throughout the course of Market4U’s existence. Knowing the risk of having such a large amount of data, Sandy wanted to purge all contacts that were entered into Market4U’s systems prior to May 2018, unless such contacts had a more recent interaction with Market4U content. However, Dan, the VP of Sales, informed Sandy that all of the contacts provide useful information regarding successful marketing campaigns and trends in industry verticals for Market4U’s clients.
Dan also informed Sandy that he had wanted to focus on gaining more customers within the sports and entertainment industry. To assist with this behavior, Market4U’s marketing team decided to add several new fields to Market4U’s website forms, including forms for downloading white papers, creating accounts to participate in Market4U’s forum, and attending events. Such fields include birth date and salary.
What should Sandy give as feedback to Dan and the marketing team regarding the new fields Dan wants to add to Market4U’s forms?


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