Free Salesforce Strategy Designer Strategy-Designer Ultimate Study Guide (Updated 230 Questions) [Q39-Q57]

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Free Salesforce Strategy Designer Strategy-Designer Ultimate Study Guide (Updated 230 Questions)

Get to the Top with Strategy-Designer Practice Exam Questions

Salesforce Strategy Designer Exam covers a wide range of topics, including business strategy, customer experience, data analysis, and technology strategy. It is designed to test candidates on their ability to develop, implement, and manage effective strategies that drive business growth and success. Strategy-Designer exam is divided into multiple-choice questions and requires candidates to demonstrate their knowledge of these topics through real-world case studies and scenarios.

Salesforce Certified Strategy Designer exam is the final step in achieving the Salesforce Strategy Designer certification. Strategy-Designer exam is designed to test the candidate’s knowledge and skills in creating and implementing business strategies using the Salesforce platform. Strategy-Designer exam comprises 60 multiple-choice questions and has a time limit of 105 minutes.


Q39. Surveys should be used for the Discovery/Understanding phase fo the Strategy Design Research.


Q40. While using Salesforce to Salesforce, to stop sharing a case comment or attachment, you must make the records private.


Q41. Of the following Strategy Design Research Methods, which one is the appropiate one for this stage:
Exploration/Refining an Idea


Q42. Prompts should be used during Brainstorming sessions, to incite creative thinking.


Q43. True or False? Users will not be able to download any pre-made Dashboards form the App Exchange, only Apps.


Q44. Are the methods and resources that the problem solver uses part of a perpetuating circle of exclusion with shuts out diverse people?


Q45. Which of the following items is best described by this definition? ” Visual display of key metrics and trends for records in the org.”


Q46. Considering the importance of prioritization within the process of Roadmapping, what factor does this question seek to use to prioritize a given feature: To what degree is the team certain that this product will achieve the expected outcome?


Q47. The following question is an example of which of these phases in the process of Strategy Research?
What are our company’s values and in which ways are we exemplifying them in this process?


Q48. Managers who constantly voice their oppinions about why a given piece of innovation WON’T work should NOT be brought into brainstorming sessions during the Idea Generation phase.


Q49. Which type of Release Category is described here: Changes with significant impact and many dependencies.


Q50. In a simplified way the following sentence embodies which of the solutions? “When we’re done building it, this is what it should be like.”


Q51. What will be required if a user wanted to add a Visualforce page to the Mobile Navigation menu?


Q52. Can SF Service offer multi channel support: chat, phone, mail, etc… ?


Q53. In which phases can the participants expect prompts from the part of the directors of the session?


Q54. Of the following steps in the process of developing a cohesive early-project Strategy Design, which one should abstain from inviting stakeholders for which might default to a “no” when presented with new concepts and improvements.


Q55. Which of the following is the first to execute in the automation execution order?


Q56. Of the following steps in the process of developing a cohesive early-project Strategy Design, which one is responsible for: ensuring that the values held allign with the core company values?


Q57. Which of the following Report Folders sharing settings is NOT available in Salesforce?


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